DAMN: Factions

Total Factions Found: 243

Imperial Mining Corporation Imperial Mining Corporation
Eriadu Authority Eriadu Authority
Freelancers Alliance Freelancers Alliance
Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc. Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc.
Zann Zann
The Ashla Covenant The Ashla Covenant
The Pentastar Alignment The Pentastar Alignment
Dukha Industrial Dukha Industrial
Alissma Alissma
Bounty Hunters Guild Bounty Hunters Guild
The Zhellic Ecclesiarchy The Zhellic Ecclesiarchy
Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums
The Black Hand The Black Hand
Matukai Dragons Matukai Dragons
The Faerytail Family The Faerytail Family
Galentro Heavy Works Galentro Heavy Works
Rol Recycling Corporation Rol Recycling Corporation
The Resistance The Resistance
One Nation Under Jou One Nation Under Jou
Mando`ade Mando`ade
Kolkpravis Kolkpravis
Quatrium Disciples Quatrium Disciples
Chir’dorna Chir’dorna
Sienar Fleet Systems Sienar Fleet Systems
Mecrosa Mecrosa
Kerdos Company Kerdos Company
Scrapper Guild Scrapper Guild
Stryker Military Services Stryker Military Services
Endless Endeavors Endless Endeavors
Galactica Security Services Galactica Security Services
Jawa Outer Colonies Jawa Outer Colonies
Endless Initiative Endless Initiative
Alpha Medical Corporation Alpha Medical Corporation
Corporate Alliance Corporate Alliance
The Industrial Confederacy The Industrial Confederacy
Galactic Weapon Systems Galactic Weapon Systems
MandaPharma MandaPharma
Unnamed Imperium Unnamed Imperium
Shadolan Authority Shadolan Authority
The Menagerie The Menagerie
Children of Turul Children of Turul
Walalla Trade Route Walalla Trade Route
Choruk Metalworks Choruk Metalworks
Zeet-ish`Tchizik Zeet-ish`Tchizik
Jawa Offworld Enterprises Jawa Offworld Enterprises
Noble Ordnance Noble Ordnance
Trilon Inc. Trilon Inc.
Emerald Ring Emerald Ring
Chaotic Defense Systems Chaotic Defense Systems
Shownar Rangers Shownar Rangers
Smugglers Incorporated Smugglers Incorporated
InterGalactic Banking Clan InterGalactic Banking Clan
Empire of the Hand Empire of the Hand
Trilon Mining Trilon Mining
My Brain My Brain
Slice of the Hutt`s Emporium Slice of the Hutt`s Emporium
Mythical Trading Mythical Trading
Annuli Sentinels Annuli Sentinels
The Outer Rim Security The Outer Rim Security
The Jensaarai The Jensaarai
Corporate Sector Authority Corporate Sector Authority
Haor Chall Engineering Haor Chall Engineering
Subduco Syndicate Subduco Syndicate
Definitely The Empire Definitely The Empire
Aldera Universal Aldera Universal
Argent Company Argent Company
Ailon Nova Guard Ailon Nova Guard
Kolohe Mining Group MK2 Kolohe Mining Group MK2
The Natural Mystics The Natural Mystics
Eclipse Enterprises Eclipse Enterprises
Corona Consortium Corona Consortium
The Echani Dominion The Echani Dominion
BlueFire Mining BlueFire Mining
Cantrell Conglomerate Cantrell Conglomerate
Blue Star Dominion Blue Star Dominion
eXiles Corporation eXiles Corporation
Motsognir Productions Motsognir Productions
The SoroSuub Conglomerate The SoroSuub Conglomerate
Kilsyth Guards Kilsyth Guards
Cin Tsad Uliik Cin Tsad Uliik
Ternion Corps Ternion Corps
Chiss Ascendancy Chiss Ascendancy
Skyglow Engineering Skyglow Engineering
Voracity Aesculapian Voracity Aesculapian
Vagabond Vagabond
Partisans Partisans
Interstellar Parcel Service Interstellar Parcel Service
eXiles Tactical Group eXiles Tactical Group
Aphelion Engineering Aphelion Engineering
Smugglers Alliance Smugglers Alliance
The Mando Cabure The Mando Cabure
Uukaablian MedCorp Uukaablian MedCorp
41st Harvesters Regiment 41st Harvesters Regiment
Deep Space Trading Deep Space Trading
Stellar Sphere Stellar Sphere
The Skulls The Skulls
Mythical Manufacturing Mythical Manufacturing
Nova Network Nova Network
Cantrell Consulting Cantrell Consulting
Verite Syndicate Verite Syndicate
Black Nebula Corsairs Black Nebula Corsairs
The Smugglers Guild The Smugglers Guild
Nomads Nomads
Zero Gravity Zero Gravity
Deep Automation Mining Nexus Deep Automation Mining Nexus
Babel Babel
Outer Rim Exploratory Mining Corps Outer Rim Exploratory Mining Corps
BlasTech Industries BlasTech Industries
Port Nowhere Port Nowhere
Celestial Celestial
NovaStar Industries NovaStar Industries
Deep Space Shipwrights Deep Space Shipwrights
Dynamet Corp Dynamet Corp
Sublight Products Corporation Sublight Products Corporation
Starborne Medical Starborne Medical
Pyke Syndicate Pyke Syndicate
Scitrok Scitrok
Mining Guild Authority Mining Guild Authority
Muurian Interstellar Muurian Interstellar
Way of the Mandalore Way of the Mandalore
Lux Fabricato Lux Fabricato
Fyrnock Highlanders Fyrnock Highlanders
Moore Industries Moore Industries
The Black Lance The Black Lance
Guri-n Krayt Guri-n Krayt
The Legacy of Ithor The Legacy of Ithor
Dread Dread
Crimson Dawn Crimson Dawn
Kether Gas Extractions Kether Gas Extractions
Serenity Sky Serenity Sky
The Gray Order The Gray Order
Dragon Cabal Dragon Cabal
Havoc Squad Havoc Squad
Black Rock Black Rock
Hutt Cartel Hutt Cartel
Grim Tech Group Grim Tech Group
Hanabusa Holdings Hanabusa Holdings
Anu Wares and Holdings Anu Wares and Holdings
Tusk Brothers Trading Company Tusk Brothers Trading Company
The Black Rose Conglomerate The Black Rose Conglomerate
The Whisperers Network The Whisperers Network
Chars Antarian Ranger Security Enforcers Chars Antarian Ranger Security Enforcers
Son-tuul Pride Son-tuul Pride
Black Hawk Mining Black Hawk Mining
Black Hawk Defense Black Hawk Defense
Corliss & Co. Corliss & Co.
StarDust Mining StarDust Mining
DOM Arsenal DOM Arsenal
Eyttyrmin Pirates Eyttyrmin Pirates
Sweetbriar Engineering Sweetbriar Engineering
The Wild Bunch The Wild Bunch
Binring Biomedical Binring Biomedical
Empire of the Hand - Core Empire of the Hand - Core
Zeison Sha Assembly Zeison Sha Assembly
The Restored Empire The Restored Empire
Skree Skree
Crymorah Crymorah
Kessel Run Resources Kessel Run Resources
Krayts Claw Krayts Claw
The Blackwing Corporation The Blackwing Corporation
Industrial Automaton Industrial Automaton
Merr-Sonn Technologies Merr-Sonn Technologies
Biotech Biotech
Black Sun Black Sun
Centrepoint Space Station Centrepoint Space Station
Honnete Mercantiles Capital Group Honnete Mercantiles Capital Group
Falleen Federation Falleen Federation
Galactic Empire Galactic Empire
Hapes Consortium Hapes Consortium
Corellian Engineering Corporation Corellian Engineering Corporation
Trade Federation Trade Federation
Tresario Star Kingdom Tresario Star Kingdom
Rebel Alliance Rebel Alliance
The Wraiths The Wraiths
FreiTek Inc. FreiTek Inc.
Eidola Pirates Eidola Pirates
Incom Corporation Incom Corporation
Rendili StarDrive Rendili StarDrive
Mandalore Mandalore
Nikklon Mining Incorporated Nikklon Mining Incorporated
Endara Mining Corporation Endara Mining Corporation
Imperial Munitions Imperial Munitions
Kuat Drive Yards Kuat Drive Yards
Loronar Corporation Loronar Corporation
The Mindabaal League The Mindabaal League
Sienar Technologies Sienar Technologies
Olanji/Charubah Olanji/Charubah
Dorinian Military Corps Dorinian Military Corps
Sienar Extractions Sienar Extractions
MandalMotors MandalMotors
MandalMining MandalMining
Czerka Mining and Industrial Czerka Mining and Industrial
MandalTech MandalTech
Cerberus Corporation Cerberus Corporation
Cybot Galactica Cybot Galactica
Triumvirate Coalition Triumvirate Coalition
Slayn & Korpil Slayn & Korpil
Imperial Droid Corporation Imperial Droid Corporation
Techno Union Techno Union
Ubrikkian Industries Ubrikkian Industries
The Antarian Rangers The Antarian Rangers
Centurion Arms Centurion Arms
Phoenix Salvage Phoenix Salvage
Czerka Corporation Czerka Corporation
Krath Empire Krath Empire
Baktoid Armour Workshop Baktoid Armour Workshop
Jedi Order Jedi Order
D`Este Realty D`Este Realty
Knights of the Fountain Knights of the Fountain
Blue Sabre Federation Blue Sabre Federation
The Exchange The Exchange
Total Outer Rim Total Outer Rim
Tapani Starship Cooperative Tapani Starship Cooperative
SYT Transport SYT Transport
Baobab Merchant Fleet Baobab Merchant Fleet
Tion Mil/Sci Industries Tion Mil/Sci Industries
Tion Hegemony Tion Hegemony
KorosTech KorosTech
Outland Mining Corporation Outland Mining Corporation
Confederacy of Independent Systems Confederacy of Independent Systems
Maelstrom Industrial Salvage Maelstrom Industrial Salvage
The Lethean Ecumene The Lethean Ecumene
Sienar Fleet Systems Sienar Fleet Systems
Horizon Corporation Horizon Corporation
Tenloss Syndicate Tenloss Syndicate
Rogue Squadron Rogue Squadron
House Zhug House Zhug
Aurodium Legion Aurodium Legion
Athakam MedTech Athakam MedTech
Veritas Press Veritas Press
The Invid Order The Invid Order
Galactic Bank Galactic Bank
Triumvirate Medical Circle Triumvirate Medical Circle
The Galactic Stock Exchange The Galactic Stock Exchange
Byblos Drive Yards Byblos Drive Yards
Koensayr Manufacturing Koensayr Manufacturing