Expect occasional lava showers throughout the week on Marasa. These brief but intense bursts of liquid rock can create mesmerizing displays in the sky. Be cautious and wear heat-resistant gear when venturing outside.
Meteor showers are occurring sporadically in the vicinity of Marasai, creating dazzling displays of shooting stars across the night sky. Observers are advised to enjoy the spectacle from a safe distance.
Marasa Asteroid Field
The Marasa Asteroid Field occasionally experiences a celestial light show akin to an aurora borealis, where cosmic particles interact with the magnetic fields of nearby asteroids. Space travelers are treated to mesmerizing displays of colors in the zero-gravity environment.
Illodia I
Toxic snow is falling across Illodia I, creating hazardous accumulations on surfaces. Protective suits and masks are essential when venturing outdoors to prevent contact with the poisonous particles in the snow.